Qingming tourism is unprecedented!"Sakura viewing economy" has driven the spring travel line in many ways at home and abroad

  The Qingming small holiday is approaching, and short -distance travel such as trains and hotels has entered the peak of booking.The current holiday travel and returning train tickets have been on sale, and some route tickets have been snapped up early.In terms of hotels and tourism products, related orders related to flowers and parks have continued to rise.

  According to data released by Meituan and Public Comment, since March, as the cherry blossoms season has entered the cherry blossom season since March, the search volume of cherry blossoms has increased by 146%month -on -month.More than 600%.Among them, cherry blossom -related catering orders have increased significantly, which has increased by 16 times month -on -month.

  Including cherry blossom viewing attractions, rich flowers, pear blossoms, rhododendrons and other combinations of flowers have also been excavated.Holiday predictions also show that the reservation of ticket reservations for the scenic spot of Qingming Holidays has increased by more than 6 times year -on -year.

  In the live broadcast room of multiple tourism e -commerce, multiple flower viewing routes around Kunming in Yunnan and around Sichuan Chengdu are sought after, and other scenic spots such as snowy mountains have achieved significant effects on local catering, leisure and entertainment and other formats.

  At present, the most popular cherry blossom viewing cities in China include Wuhan, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Beijing, Suzhou, Wuxi, etc.Data from Flying Pig shows that the Qingming holiday is half a month before,The popularity of the holidays has increased by more than 7 times year -on -year. Wuhan University, Nanjing Jiming Temple, and Wuxi Taihu Lupou Scenic Area are hot attractions for cherry blossom viewing.

  According to the railway department, the “flower appreciation line” has been added to serve tourists’ flowers.Not only are there “South State Flowers and Touring Green” from Xining, but also the “Sichuan -Yunnan -Guizhou Tuyan Line” from Guangxi to Yunnan, Sichuan, and Guizhou from Guangxi.

  At the same time, centered on the popular attractions of spring tour flowers such as Wuyuan County, Jingdezhen, etc., and linked consumer demand for consumer demand in Nanchang, Xiamen, Shanghai, Wuhan and other consumer cities by adding railway lines to stack sports events, star concerts, Internet celebrity cities punch cards and other emerging emerging emerging emergesTravel needs can further connect tourist consumption resources in surrounding cities.

  Recently, the National Railway Shanghai Bureau also disclosed data. Around the Qingming Primary School, the Yangtze River Delta Railway was expected to send 78 million passengers, with an average daily sending 2.438 million, an increase of 9.4%over the same period last year.Around the center of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration center and sub -center city of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, as well as passenger travel needs in popular tourist destinations such as Yangzhou, Huangshan, Qiandao Lake, the railway department has opened a number of temporary passenger trains and high -speed rail trains.

  In addition to the blooming of cherry blossoms in domestic cities, the beauty of cherry blossoms in many cities in Japan and South Korea every spring also attracts many Chinese people to enjoy flowers.Kimsuawa, Kumamoto, Nagano, South Korea, Gwangshu, Quanzhou, Incheon and other classic cherry blossom viewing destinations also book cherry blossom viewing hotels in advance.

  China previously announced data showing that domestic tourists’ spring travel searches have continued to rise,The popularity of outbound tourism during the Qingming Festival has exceeded 2.5 times the same period of 2023.In particular, the searches of young tourists in the post -95s of young tourists have increased by more than 7 times year -on -year.

  Flying Pig data shows that as of now, the number of outbound hotel reservations has increased by nearly three times year -on -year, and the number of outbound travel line products has increased by more than 4 times year -on -year. Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore have become popular tourists.

  It is worth mentioning that the popularity of Internet celebrity tourism cities has not decreased.Data show that last year, Yanbian and Zibo’s tourism popularity continued, and the tourism popularity during the Qingming small holidays of the two places increased by more than 200%year -on -year.Tourists who fight for holidays during the Qingming holiday also aimed at Zibo early. Railway travel booking showed that many cars were sold out of Shanghai-Jingdezhen, Beijing-Zibo, Jinan-Zibo, which departed on April 3.

  Similar to the popularity of Zibo with barbecue last year, this year Gansu Tianshui also became popular with the spicy hot and hot holiday tourism.Flying pig data shows,Tianshui quickly jumped into a popular tourist destination. It scheduled that the growth rate was more than 10 times year -on -year, and the predetermined quantities also increased the surge in Weifang, Datong, Zibo, Xuzhou, Jingdezhen and so on.

  Data show that many tourists choose to transfer to Tianshui through Lanzhou. On April 3, some cars in Chengdu-Lanzhou and Xi’an-Lanzhou were sold out. Some of Lanzhou-Tianshui on April 4 were also sold out.