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City Court Party Discipline Learning Education Reading Class

On May 7, the opening of the party discipline education and education class of the Municipal Court of Courts and the special counseling report was held.Wu Yiwen, Secretary of the Party Group and Dean, gave a mobilization speech at the opening class, emphasizing the need to take the opportunity of party discipline learning and education.Always be loyal and clean, and ensure fair and strict judicial justice with good style discipline.

The meeting pointed out that the development of party discipline learning and education is an important measure to strengthen the party’s discipline construction and promote the strict and strict development of the party to the development of the party.All police officers should thoroughly study and implement the “Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China”, further strengthen discipline awareness, strengthen self -restraint, improve immune capacity, and reflect the “two maintenance” with the pragmatic measures of party discipline and education.The results of the party discipline learning and education.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to improve political standing.Deeply understand the significance of carrying out party discipline learning and education, and take the study of the “Regulations” as a compulsory course and a regular course.The political consciousness, thought, consciousness, and actions of Zhiji, Ming Ji, and Ji Ji are conscious.Education guidance police to figure out what the party’s discipline and rules are, to understand what should be done and how to do, and integrate party discipline learning and education into the entire process of the work of trial implementation, so as to be good at political perspective and be good at running from the rule of law from the rule of law., To promote justice.

The meeting emphasized that we must grasp the target requirements.To carry out party discipline and education, we must pay attention to the integration of daily and learning.It is necessary to adhere to the promotion of party discipline and trial, combine party discipline learning and education with business construction, integrity education, “transforming judicial style, regulating judicial behavior” special education rectification activities, and effectively enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of party discipline learning and education.We must consciously find the risk points of the integrity in the regulations, take the initiative to review the existing problems, so as to be in a daunting and stop, and do it with strict party discipline as a practical trial management and team management to grasp the quality and efficiency.

The meeting emphasized that the implementation of responsibilities should be strengthened.Leading cadres should carry political responsibilities, grasp the implementation, take the initiative to play the “critical role”, fulfill the “critical responsibilities”, adhere to higher standards and stricter requirements, first learn one step, learn one level, know the party rules and regulations and party discipline to knowRemember, learn and understand deeply, and do the example of serious learning; grasp the essence of party rules and party discipline, know and do, and do a comprehensive knowledge of discipline.Expressions; see the party rules and party disciplines, and are on their own, and do the example of the discipline and discipline, and demonstrate the high standards and high quality and orderly advancement of party discipline learning and education.

At the meeting, Comrade Leng Hanjun, director of the Case of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervisory Committee, was listened to the special counseling report made by Comrade Leng Hanjun of the Provincial Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee.

All members of the hospital, police officers and clerks attended the meeting.

Original title: “The opening class of party discipline learning and education in the Municipal Court”

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