2024 Modern Vocational Education Quality Improvement Plan Budget issued

  According to the Ministry of Finance’s website on May 8th, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education issued the “Notice on the Budget of the Modern Vocational Education Quality Improvement Plan Budget” (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice”).The notice requires that the financial departments of various localities should attach great importance to the investment in fiscal vocational education, optimize the structure of education expenditure, implement the requirements of new education funds to vocational education, improve the system for multi -channel to raise vocational education funds, raise more funds for vocational education for vocational educationdevelop.It is necessary to give full play to the role of provincial -level overall planning, focus on improving investment efficiency, highlight the support of support, the distribution of funds towards the regional economic development areas such as remote, ethnic groups, poverty alleviation areas, and major economic belts.Vocational education for rural areas, promote the integration of vocational Putong, integration of production and education, integration of science and education, optimize the positioning of vocational education types, and effectively improve the quality, adaptability and attractiveness of vocational education.

  The notice requires that the planning funds will focus on supporting the implementation of vocational school students allocating funding systems, explore the establishment of a differentiated funding system based on professional large categories, gradually improving the level of allocation of students, improving the conditions of vocational schools, and promoting the integration of professional schools and education integration., School -enterprise cooperation, strengthen the training of teachers such as “dual -teacher” full -time teachers.

  The notice is clear that the central government has rewarded the pilot provinces. The specific criteria are: Zhejiang and Yunnan awarded 60 million yuan per province, Sichuan and Henan prizes were made of 50 million yuan per province, and the Hunan and Fujian awards made 40 million yuan per province.