Welcome to the National Science and Technology Workers’ Day, the Nanjing Science and Technology Association organizes the office of the office of scientists

On the occasion of the eighth “National Science and Technology Worker Day”, the Nanjing Science and Technology Association launched the theme activity of “Promoting the Spirit of Scientists and Dangdang High -level Science and Technology Self -Strong Vol.”—— Mr. Li Siguang, Nanjing Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has an office site of Mr. Li Siguang, feels the spirit of scientists, and appreciates the changes in scientific and technological.
Mr. Li Siguang, as the pioneer and founder of modern Chinese geological science, and the first director of the Nanjing Institute of Geological Paradise of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the former office site carries rich historical culture and scientific spirit.Through various forms such as historical data, physical scenes, and video interaction here, teenagers have a deep understanding of the outstanding contributions and great innovation achievements made by scientists for the exploration and development of Chinese mineral resource exploration and development.At the same time, they also deeply felt the sincere patriotic feelings of scientists and the scientific spirit of seeking truth.
Subsequently, children followed the teachers to visit the Nanjing Paramountry Museum to visit exhibition areas such as biof fossils, ancient vertebrates, ancient plants, and micro -bodies.Before the “Evolution of Life Evolution” and the evolutionary relief of large -scale life, the total view of the evolution of the species; by observing the underground simulation rock layer section and experience the precipitation of history; in the “micro world”, learn the knowledge of the origin and life evolution of the species, and the children have harvested the children.Rich natural and historical knowledge.
Finally, the children came to the Darwin Experimental Station.Here, they put on scientific work clothes and transformed into small geologists, and they met and learned about archeological tools such as microscope and protective mirrors.Under the guidance of the staff, they learned the method of excavation, repair and protection of fossils, and explored the mysteries of ancient life by hand.This experience not only inspired children’s desire to explore and curiosity, but also allowed them to harvest their own souvenirs.
In addition to visiting Mr. Li Siguang’s old office site, the Nanjing Science and Technology Association also launched a special science popular science tour activity for the “National Science and Technology Workers Day” for young people.Children will also have the opportunity to participate in various activities such as visiting Zhang Yuzhe’s old office sites, entering the Ecological Fun Class of the University of Science and Technology, and visiting meteorological education bases.These activities aims to guide young people to promote the spirit of scientists, learn from the forge, and form a good atmosphere of respecting knowledge, advocating innovation, and loving science.
Correspondent Da Changyang Evening News/Zi Niu Journalist Xu Yuanyuan
School -to -Faye Wong