There are mysterious buildings in Huake University, and people around the world are rushing to come!

In early April,
The center has just completed
1.38 meters in diameter
The world’s largest electromagnetic forming part–
Aerospace aluminum alloy shell.
Next month, with a diameter of 3.35 meters
The electromagnetic forming parts will also break out of the cocoon.
Electromagnetic manufacturing technology is subverted
Traditional manufacturing technology,
As a transformation technical means,
Not only in the field of basic research,
In aerospace, new energy
In the field of medical care,
The center of the strong magnetic field is at the forefront.
Strong magnetic field technology
Where is the specific application?
National pulse strong magnetic field science center
What are the equipment?
How did you build it?
One picture understands

Reporter visit
Electromagnetic Manufacturing Laboratory
Recently, a reporter from the Yangtze River Daily entered the center of the strong magnetic field located at Huazhong University of Science and Technology.In the electromagnetic manufacturing laboratory, a “forest” lane composed of a capacitor device composed of tens of meters long and three -meter -high. On the electromagnetic forming device at the end of the road, the metal component with a diameter of more than 1 meter is firmly controlled.
After a postdoctoral inspection of the placement of the aluminum alloy component, closed the laboratory door, closed the button, and an electromagnetic processing experiment officially started.Without fire light, the processing site under the camera seemed very quiet.
“Like” Diaoyama Bull “, like a pair of invisible hands, it exerts huge power to processing components.” Professor Li Liang, director of the strong magnetic field center, explained that the reason why use electromagnetic processing to manufacture large metal components is to solve traditional production technologyThe problem of poor consumables and molding accuracy.For materials with the same thickness of processing, the traditional metal processing technology must waste more than 90%of raw materials, while electromagnetic manufacturing only requires 10%of the past 10%of the raw materials.

Professor Li Liang, a national pulse strong magnetic field science, is introducing the shell component of the electromagnetic equipment manufacturing.

The electromagnetic molding manufacturing technology here was supported by the National “973 Plan” in 2011. After more than 10 years of hard work, it can now be said to be really landing.

Li Liang introduced, currently,The center has successfully developed the world’s first electromagnetic edge -workstory -formation integrated prototype prototype, and has achieved the largest domestic and foreign electromagnetic forming parts with a diameter of 1.38 meters -the overall forming of the aerospace aluminum alloy shell body.Next month, they will complete the electromagnetic overall manufacturing of the 3.35 -meter rocket fuel storage box at the bottom of the box, providing transformative technical means and new productivity for my country’s rocket industry.

Strong magnetic field center
Open and share to global users
“China’s pulse strong magnetic field facilities are one of the best internationally of the best facilities in the world, providing us with the best technical support.” Professor Suzita Saibasiani of Cambridge University Cavendi LabThe first time I came to the National Strong Magnetic Farm Science Center on the 26th, she and the team had a scientific experiment every month in Wuhan every year.With the help of Professor Zhu Zengwei, the center of the strong magnetic field, Suzita published the scientific research results obtained on the journal of Nature · Physics with the experimental conditions of the central pulse to strong magnetic field facilities.

Zhu Zengwei told reporters that Suzita and others can come to Wuhan for experiments, which originated fromThe center of the strong magnetic field is open and shared for global users.This not only enhances the international influence of a strong magnetic field center, but also makes it a world -renowned “magnetic” center. Even he is one of the “pursuit of magnetic”.

Researchers, Professor Zhu Zengwei (left) for experimental inspections in the power hall.

In 2014, Zhu Zengwei, 33 years old, resigned from post -doctoral research at the National Laboratory of Los Alamos, USA, and returned to the center of the strong magnetic field center of the Huake University of Science and Technology.Achievements.“It feels better than foreign experimental conditions.” Zhu Zengwei simply settled in Wuhan, and brought 8 doctors and 4 masters. The happiness of scientific research life was full.
“Attracting talents is also to retain talents. The proportion of high -end talents in the center of strong magnetic fields is the highest in the school.” Li Liang proudly said that as the first large scientific device settled in Hubei, the pulse strong magnetic field attracted scientists from all over the world.The National Strong Magnetic Farm Science Center has become the global “chasing magnetic” center.

Pulse strong magnetic field experimental device
Build in this way
It is reported that large scientific devices refer to major scientific and technological infrastructure facing international technology and aiming for important scientific and technological goals.In the 1980s, foreign countries used more than 30 pulse strong magnetic field experimental devices to carry out cutting -edge scientific research in various fields and won many Nobel Prize.Due to the long -term lack of such devices in my country, it is almost blank in this regard.If you want to do experiments in a strong magnetic field environment, you can only borrow foreign laboratories, often losing scientific research opportunities.

Researchers work at the National Control Center of the National Pulse Strong Magnetics Center.

“It is a good trend to settle in Huake University.” In 2001, Pan Yuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, advocated the construction of a strong pulse.In 2007, Li Liang, who served as the backbone of the technical technology in the United States, was invited by Academician Li Peigan, then the then president of Huacheng University, and resolutely returned to China to host the construction of a pulse strong magnetic field experimental device.
In order to improve the operating efficiency of the device, the construction team did not copy foreign experience, but started from scratch.Each circuit design drawing is drawn by the team itself, and each part is installed and debugged by the team.The key core materials and components of the strong magnetic field device have all achieved localization through independent research and development.

“The localization rate of such advanced device parts reaches 85%, and the imported equipment has only some standard measurement instruments, accounting for less than 15%.” Li Liang proudly said that the pulse strong magnetic field experimental device officially started construction in April 2008.It was completed in October 2013, and passed the national acceptance in October 2014 and officially opened to the public.The completion of the device has enabled my country’s pulse strong magnetic field technology to achieve leapfrog development with running and running, leading, and reaching the international leading level.“We have taken the way for 20 years to walk for 5 years.”
for130 universities and scientific research units worldwide
Provide services

As of February 2024, the device of the strong magnetic field center has been running for 85722 hours for130 domestic and foreign universities and scientific research units at Peking University, the Institute of Physics of Tsinghua University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge University, Germany’s Dresden Strong Magnetic Lab and other domestic and foreign universities provide scientific research servicesPublished 1616 papers in journals such as “Nature” and “Science”, and have achieved a large number of original achievements including the discovery of the third type of new quantum oscillations.The first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award.
In November 2023, the optimization and improvement of the pulse strong magnetic field experimental device was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, with a total investment of 2.0965.1 billion yuan, and the construction period was 5 years.
Li Liang said,The pulse strong magnetic field experimental device will lead the world after the optimization and improvement, and the application prospects will be wider.For example, in magnetic resonance imaging, the current 3 Tesla or 1.5 Tesla can be raised to 9.5 Tesla, and the Asian millimeter -level appearance can be raised to 30 microns.For effective, the newly upgraded version of the magnetic resonance imaging system can be launched.
At present, the world’s highest pulse strong magnetic field is 100.75 Tesla, and the National pulse strong magnetic field science center will reach 110 Tesla after the optimization and upgrade.”Don’t underestimate the advantages of this 9.25 Tesla, which is equivalent to the 100 -meter score of human beings after 9 seconds 8 seconds.”Li Liang was looking forward to the strong magnetic field center of 5 years.