The "Olympic Games around Ala" is coming. On May 12, the Shanghai Citizen Games opened at the Shanghai Stadium!

In addition to the Paris Olympics,“Olympic Games around Ala”The four -year -old citizen sports meeting will also return.On April 25, Xu Bin, director of the Shanghai Sports Bureau, said in a guest “2024 Shanghai Minsheng Interview”.Fourth Citizen GamesThe opening ceremony is planned to be held at the Shanghai Stadium in Xujiahui Sports Park on May 12th, and it is jointly held in conjunction with the “2024 Chinese Coordinates · Shanghai Urban Orientation Outdoor Challenge”. It is expected that more than 10,000 citizens will sign up for the site.

According to reports, on the basis of the first three sessions, the Citizen Games will further cover the entire people in Shanghai. By organizing various types of sports carnivals, organizing a number of mass sports events and activities, fully show the results of Shanghai national fitness and Shanghai citizens participating in sports.The enthusiasm of exercise.

First, the project settings are richer.There are two major sections: competition and event.The competition section includes 65 competitions such as football rows, 15 exhibition projects such as Health Qigong, Tai Chi, as well as the National Physical Exercise Standards and Renren Sports Society Swimming.16 brand activities.It covers the mass sports projects that all citizens like to see.

The second is that the competition system is more complete.A three -level competition system is set up.The first level is the finals. All competitions and exhibition projects will hold municipal finals.The second level is a trial, which is selected in various districts, municipal agencies, enterprise groups, universities, etc.The third level is a grass -roots event. It will hold small and diverse competitions in street communities, primary and secondary schools.Strive for everyone’s participation and national fitness.

The third is to open the door to run the competition.All events are publicly bidding for the society and encouraged enterprises and social organizations to actively undertake.At present, the bidding of the Municipal Tournament and Municipal Brand Activities of the Citizen Games has ended. A total of 408 enterprises and social organizations have participated in the bidding. After review, 241 units won the bid.The level and ability of the competition.

Fourth, service guarantees are more comprehensive.The organizing committee has compiled the work guidelines of the Citizen Games, which include: competition activities, safety and medical security, sponsorship insurance, event assessment, publicity and informatization, etc. The purpose is to guide the standards of the competition units in order through improvement standards and strengthen training.Turn the race.The majority of citizens can also obtain services such as event information, registration, and performance inquiry through information platforms such as the official website of the Citizen Games.