The "Health Panjiayuan" Public Welfare Alliance establishes a long -term mechanism for public welfare services in regional medical institutions

On April 26, Panjiayuan Street, Chaoyang District held the launching ceremony of the “Health Panjiayuan” public welfare alliance on the people’s stage.
At the scene, Panjiayuan Street Union, the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, People’s Health Publishing Hospital, Chaoyang District Disease Control Center, Chaoyang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Panjiayuan Community Health Service Center, Panjiayuan Second Health Service Center, Jinsong Second Second12 medical institutions and social units such as community health service center, Panjiayuan Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, Shuangjing Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, Beijing Er Yingzhi Ophthalmology, Nan District Stomatological Hospital, Gu Shengtang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and jointly signed the initiative”, Marked the official launch of the” Healthy Panjiayuan “public welfare alliance.
The construction of the “Health Panjiayuan” public welfare alliance is a long -term mechanism for further exploring the public welfare services of regional medical institutions, forming a new model of multi -business collaboration, multi -dimensional support, and multi -elemental services.The principles of complementarity, based on the win -win cooperation and win -win concept, focus on accelerating the promotion of the “medical affairs society” docking collaboration, promoting regional health and health work to a new level.
The “four one” brand, that is, establish a health education base, provides famous teachers and famous medical resources by the alliance unit, and regularly carry out regional medical lecture halls or medical free clinics services on the streets. Create an online health education classroom.Close to the health issues of residents to carry out science popularization to improve the level of health literacy of residents; build a resource sharing platform, promote the communication between the alliance units, enhance the exchange and cooperation of all units, promote the establishment of a referral channel between medical units; explore a group of co -construction projects,Give full play to the co -construction of the alliance units, cultivate “medical social workers”, and “send medical treatment”, “sending books” and “health” for residents through donating materials, establishing projects, and providing services.Deeply fusion.At the same time, the street will also select a group of healthy Panjiayuan Public Welfare Alliance Ambassador.
As a member of the alliance, the relevant person in charge of the People’s Health Publishing House said that it will actively carry out various forms of online and offline health publicity activities to promote publicity work such as disease prevention and control, the popularization of health knowledge, patriotic health campaigns, and health China.
Relevant person in charge of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of the Alliance Member Units said that it will give full play to the advantages of the district maternal and child health hospital in the area, establish a green channel for children’s referrals of children’s health service centers and maternal and child health hospitals.Children, referred to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital.
The relevant person in charge of Panjiayuan Street stated that after the official launch of the Panjiayuan Public Welfare Alliance, it will practice the concept of “large health and great health” in accordance with the requirements of Health Beijing Action (2020-2030), focusing on regional residents equalization services, promoting health servicesThe “four -entry movement”, that is, health services enter the unit, campus, community, and family, to provide residents with a comprehensive, professional and standardized full -cycle health service.
In the next step, Panjiayuan Street will promote member units of alliances to strengthen communication and cooperation, complement each other, win -win cooperation, and continuously meet the needs of diverse medical and health services of residents, promote the development of grass -roots health and health undertakings.Innovative development pilot zone contributes more power.
Health propaganda activities were also carried out at the event site. The alliance unit organized doctors to conduct free consultations for residents and answer health questions and popularize health knowledge.