Personnel time | These famous scientists have worked in the only nuclear military development unit in our country

Recently, the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the information of the State Council’s appointment and removal of state staff.Among them, Qiu Yong was appointed as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology; the deputy dean of the Chinese Institute of Engineering Physics, which was removed from Qiu Yong.
Qiu Yong was the deputy director and director of the Institute of Engineering of the Chinese Institute of Engineering Physics (short of Chinese Institutes).
China Institute of Engineering Physics
The China Institute of Engineering Physics is the only nuclear weapon development and production unit in my country. Many well -known scientists such as Yu Min, Wang Yichang, and Deng Jiaxian have worked here and held important leadership positions.
According to the official website of the China Institute of Engineering and Physics, on September 18, 1999, the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission grandly praised scientific and technological experts who made outstanding contributions to my country’s “two bombs and one star” career, and awarded the “two bombs, one star meritorious medal”. EssenceAmong them, Yu Min, Wang Yichang, Deng Jiaxian, Zhu Guangya, Chen Nengkuan, Zhou Guangzhao, Guo Yonghuai, Cheng Kaijia, and Peng Yanwu have all held important leadership positions at the Chinese Institute of Engineering Physics.
Yu Min, a famous nuclear physicist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Since 1951, he has been engaged in nuclear theoretical research at the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has been engaged in nuclear weapon theoretical research at the end of 1960.In 1965, he was transferred to the Ninth Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry (predecessor).Consultant and other positions.
Wang Yichang, a famous nuclear physicist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.He graduated from the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University in 1929.He went to study in Berlin, Germany in 1930. He received a doctorate degree in philosophy from the school in 1934 and returned to China in the same year.Former vice chairman of the China Science and Technology Association, the first chairman of the Chinese Society of Nuclear Sciences, a member of the Central Committee of the 9th Society, and a member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the Third, Fourth, Five -Year Plan, and the Sixth Session.
Deng Jiaxian, a famous nuclear physicist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.He graduated from the Department of Physics, Southwest United University in 1945, and taught at Peking University.In 1958, the theoretical design of the Ninth Research Institute (predecessor of the Chinese Institute) was transferred from the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to lead the theoretical design of nuclear weapons.He has served as director, deputy dean, dean, dean, deputy director of the Science and Technology Commission of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission, and deputy director of the Science and Technology Commission of the Ministry of Education.
Zhu Guangya, a famous nuclear physicist, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.In 1959, he was transferred to deputy director of the Ninth Research Institute of the Second Machinery Department from the Institute of Atomic Energy of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, and was responsible for scientific research organizations and management.Successive deputy director, deputy dean, deputy director of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission, deputy director and director of the Science and Technology Commission of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission, the first dean and party secretary of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the director of the Science and Technology Commission of the General Equipment Department.
Chen Neng Kuan, a famous metal physicist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.In 1960, he was transferred to the Ninth Research Institute of the Second Machinery Industry Department from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Commission.
Guo Yonghuai, famous mechanics, applied mathematician, aerodynamologist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.In 1960, he was transferred to the Deputy Director of the Ninth Research Institute of the Beijing Ministry of Machinery Industry. He was responsible for the theoretical exploration and development of the atomic bullet.On December 5, 1968, due to the crash of the plane, the corpse embraced the Chinese nuclear military data. On December 25 of the same year, he was recognized as a revolutionary martyr.In 1999, he awarded the “two -star and one star honor medal” and was the only scientist who won the title of “Martyrs”.
Zhou Guangzhao, a well -known theoretical physicist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.In May 1961, he was transferred to the deputy director of the theoretical Department of the Ninth Research Institute of the Second Machinery Industry Department to conduct theoretical research on nuclear applications.He has successively served as deputy director, director, director of the Institute of theoretical Research Institute of the Ninth Research Institute, deputy director and director of the Institute of theoretical Physics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and deputy dean and dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Cheng Kaijia, a well -known nuclear weapon technical expert, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.In 1960, he was transferred to the Ninth Research Institute of the Second Machinery Industry., Consultant of the Science and Technology Commission of the General Equipment Department.
Peng Yanwu, a famous physicist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.He graduated from the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University in 1935.In 1938, he went to study in Edinburgh, England.In 1961, he was transferred to the deputy director of the Ninth Research Institute of the Second Machinery Industry Ministry of Machinery Industry in 1961.He has served as deputy director and deputy dean, deputy director and director of the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
In addition, Zhou Yulin, Song Jiashu, Guo Bailing, Li Youping, Zhu Jianshi, Ding Bonan, Sun Chengwei, etc. also worked at the Chinese Institute of Engineering Physics and made important contributions.
Surging News reporter Li Wenji
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