African innovators shine at 2023 Ashden Awards

African low-carbon innovators are in the spotlight at the 2023 Ashden Awards, with four of the five winners from the Global South coming from the continent.

The winners were recognized for making significant progress in tackling the biggest climate challenges – working on clean energy, natural climate solutions and agriculture.

USAFI Green Energy in northwestern Kenya has brought affordable clean energy and jobs to the people of Kakuma refugee camp and the local community.

CERAF-Nord supports communities in northern Cameroon to restore degraded land through agroforestry and beekeeping.

African innovators shine at 2023 Ashden Awards

Burasolutions Solar Academy in Nigeria trains women and marginalized people to join the clean energy workforce.

Power for All won the Ashden Award for Integrated Energy in Africa for its Utility 2.0 Twaake program in Uganda.

Husk Power Systems received the Outstanding Achievement Award for its work in rapidly expanding community solar mini-grids in Africa and Asia.

The Collective for Integrated Livelihood Initiatives (Clnl) was the winner from India, where Clnl helps women in the central tribal belt of India use clean energy to improve their incomes and become leaders in their communities.

Dr. Ashok Sinha, CEO of Ashden, said, “Our winners are proof that people are passionate about creating practical solutions to climate emergencies – whether it’s using clean energy to power Uganda’s thriving businesses or taking the time to restore Britain’s rivers. And look what happens as a result: higher incomes, better health, stronger communities and the creation of new jobs.

“But these brilliant solutions need strong support from policymakers and investors. The Global South is still waiting for promised climate finance. Our international winners are powering farms and refugee camps, creating jobs for a clean energy future, and protecting threatened rainforests. More funding for these climate heroes is critical.”

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