2024 flood prevention line 丨 24 -hour special person duty, the Provincial Department of Ecological Environment requires strengthening the investigation and resolution of hidden dangers during the floo

Huasheng Online June 26 (All media reporter Ye Zhu) As the main flood season arrived, our province entered a concentrated period of rainfall, and the floods of major rivers in our province.The quality will be greatly affected, and at the same time, it will be superimposed by factors such as high temperature and production safety in summer. Various types of production and operation activities enter the peak season and other factors.In order to do a good job of environmental safety security during the flood season, effectively prevent and resolve environmental risks, curb emergencies, and ensure environmental safety, on June 26, the Hunan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment issued a notice on strengthening environmental safety guarantee work in the flood season, requiring all provinces to all provinces in all provincesThe level ecological environment department strengthens the investigation and resolution of hidden dangers in the flood season, and actively prepares for emergencies.
(The Qijiang Branch of Yiyang Ecological and Environment Organizing the law enforcement brigade, monitoring station, soil stocks and other related stock rooms will quickly conduct special investigation of hidden dangers in the flood season, and conduct environmental supervision of sewage treatment plants, wading pollution and discharge, and critical waste and waste enterprises in a timely manner.)
Investigate the hidden dangers of risk risk of emergencies
Pay close attention to key industries and water sources
The Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment requires that the ecological environment departments at all levels must fully understand the complexity of the current environmental security situation, grasp the key key, and refine and strengthen risk prevention and control measures; strengthen organizational leadership and supervision and inspection, refine and decompose various tasksWhen you go to various departments, you should be responsible for the arrival of people; to overcome paralysis thoughts and fluke psychology, maintain a high degree of alertness, take precision and effective measures to respond to environmental pollution during the flood season, and effectively guarantee the safety of the ecological environment.
(Environmental law enforcement officers of Zhuzhou Ecological and Environment Bureau checked the Nanzhou Sewage Treatment Plant and Wangjiazhou Sewage Treatment Plant to understand the operation and implement the requirements of flood prevention emergency work.)
The notice also pointed out that the ecological environment departments at all levels must strictly follow the “Notice on Strengthening the Water Environmental Supervision Work in 2024” and “Notice on Further Strengthening the Risk Prevention and Control of Environmental Incidents”, and “Notice on Strengthening the Water Environment Supervision Work in 2024”.It is necessary to strengthen hidden danger investigation, environmental emergency preparation and coordination.It is necessary to carry out the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers of risks of emergencies, and pay close attention to environmental sensitive points such as “one waste, one library, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one weight”, and the rivers bankruptcy, demolition and abandoned enterprises along the river, as well as sensitive periods of the flood season.Risk is eliminated as much as possible in the bud state.
Strictly implement the 24 -hour special duty system
Infrace the information of Chi Ling Lie Reporting Reporting
The Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment emphasized that the ecological environment departments of various cities and prefectures strictly implement the 24 -hour special duty system and the job responsibility system, and strictly work discipline.It is strictly forbidden to leave the duties, and resolutely eliminate poor contact, and informal personnel on duty.Report criteria for prominent or late reporting, late reporting, missed reports, lies, and concealing information.Implement holiday duty and emergency duty, letters and visits on duty full coverage and full guarantee. Keeping personnel, vehicles, and equipment instruments are in a state of war.Abnormal, quickly start emergency response, do a good job of real -time scheduling, and properly respond to emergencies.Incidents with heavy and sensitive incidents, or unclear situations and unknown development trends should be reported immediately to ensure that the superior departments have grasped the emergencies of the environment for the first time.
(The Changsha Ecological and Environment Bureau Wangcheng Branch conducted key enterprises such as Changsha’s urban solid waste treatment field, as well as Henfeng Village, Qiaoyi Town to conduct environmental safety inspections.)
In addition, the Provincial Department of Ecological Environment also pointed out that it is necessary to highlight the key protection work of environmental safety.It is necessary to effectively strengthen emergency protection and establish and improve the emergency work mechanism of emergencies in emergencies. Emergency teams must be drawn, used, and win.It is necessary to strengthen environmental monitoring and analysis, strengthen early warning and forecast, do a good job of scientific research and judgment of risks in the flood season, and carry out encrypted monitoring of key concerns and drinking water sources.If abnormal fluctuations appear, effective measures are taken quickly.We must focus on improving the level of disposal and standardize the workflow.It is necessary to have emergency response measures for common pollutants such as heavy metals, petroleum, benzene, and phenol.It is necessary to strengthen law enforcement supervision and strictly prevent corporate illegal sewage discharge.Take a look at the material reserves and make emergency preparations.It is necessary to increase inspection and inspection and press the responsibilities of all parties.
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